EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for E-Waste requires manufacturers and producers to assume responsibility for the entire life cycle of electronic products. This encourages recycling and the adoption of safe disposal practices, ultimately aiming to minimize environmental impact.

E-waste Management

In our modern digital era, electronic devices have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. However, the rapid pace of technological progress has brought forth a pressing concern – electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste. Effectively addressing this issue demands robust e-waste management strategies. E-waste encompasses discarded electronic devices and their components, presenting significant environmental and health risks when not handled responsibly. By adopting responsible e-waste management practices, we can mitigate these perils and contribute to a more sustainable future. This commitment entails electronic recycling, appropriate disposal methods, safeguarding data, prolonging product lifespans, and complying with relevant legislation. E-waste management isn’t solely an environmental necessity; it’s a shared responsibility. Let’s collaborate to forge a sustainable future where the digital revolution coexists harmoniously with our environment and well-being.

For comprehensive e-waste management solutions, Sahyasolutions stands ready to assist you. Reach out to us today to explore our services and discover how we can help you drive positive change in e-waste management. Together, we can safeguard our planet while embracing the advantages of technology.


About E-waste EPR

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) places an obligation on all manufacturers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) to ensure responsible disposal of e-waste through authorized dismantlers or recyclers. This duty may involve establishing a take-back system, setting up collection centers, or a combination of both. Moreover, manufacturers must have agreements in place with authorized dismantlers or recyclers, either individually or through a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). As per the E-Waste (Management) Rules of 2016, EPR authorization is now mandatory for all parties involved, including manufacturers, importers, and even e-retailers or online sellers, such as those on platforms like eBay, who deal with Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE).

Producers under E-waste 2016 Rules

A producer encompasses any individual engaged in the sale of E-waste, regardless of the sales method employed, including dealers, retailers, e-retailers, and more…

Designs, manufactures, and offers a wide range of electrical and electronic products, complete with their branded components, consumables, spare parts, and accessories.

Specializes in the distribution of imported electrical and electronic equipment, encompassing their associated components, consumables, spare parts, and accessories.

Sells under its proprietary brand, assembled electrical and electronic equipment, along with their components, consumables, parts, or spares, sourced from other manufacturers or suppliers.

Role & Responsibilities of PRO

A Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) is a certified professional entity that receives funding, either collectively or individually, from producers. PROs are responsible for the collection and proper management of e-waste generated from producers’ products at the end of their life cycle, promoting environmentally sustainable practices. PROs play a crucial role in assisting producers in achieving collection targets, establishing collection centers/points, implementing take-back programs, and conducting awareness campaigns, among other duties. An agreement between the PRO and the producer(s) is essential, outlining the specific roles and responsibilities of the PRO in managing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations.

Do’s for E- Waste

Don'ts for E- Waste

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